This solution addresses Webroot SecureAnywhere Business – Endpoint Protection

Checking for updates

Webroot SecureAnywhere is preconfigured to check for updates automatically and install them as they become available. When we release a version update, it is load balanced across our global user base. As such, it can take up to 72 hours to apply to all endpoints. If you want the agent check for updates or deactivated automatic updates from Install Settings, you can manually check for updates yourself.
Note: These steps apply to both Windows and Mac PCs.

To check for SecureAnywhere updates:
  1. Open SecureAnywhere on the agent. You may need set the endpoint to the Unmanaged policy to allow it to open.
  2. Click the gear icon next to My Account.
  3. Click the About SecureAnywhere tab and click Check for software updates.

    If a newer version exists, Webroot downloads the updates to your system.

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