Webroot offers a script to install the macOS agent to multiple Apple devices. Download the script using this link:

After downloading, you will need to make the file executable before running it. To make it executable for all users, use the command:
chmod +x installMacWSA.sh

These are required and optional command parameters that are modified inside the script to control aspects of the installation:
Example command:
sudo ./installMacWSA.sh --pkg=WSAMAC.pkg -silent=true -suppress_auto_launch=true -keycode=XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX -proxy_auth=auth_basic_1 -proxy_host=proxy.proxy.com -proxy_port=8080 -proxy_user=proxyuser.com -proxy_pass=proxypass

IMPORTANT NOTE: These instructions contain an example shell script and are provided as-is. It should only be used by those experienced with scripts and should be fully tested before use. Webroot Support does not troubleshoot or support scripts and will not answer script related questions.

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