Guest: You want to know about memory leaks
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When you run System Analyzer, it may report a program has a memory leak. Common programs to report this are Microsoft Outlook (outlook.exe) and Internet Explorer (iexplore.exe). This is not an issue with an infection on your computer.

Memory leaks are when programs on the computer incorrectly manage memory allocations. This is not uncommon on modern software and can cause performance drags on the system.

The easiest way to fix this issue is to close and reopen the program with the leak, as it will reset the allocations. If this does not seem to help, restarting the computer should do resolve the leak.

If you are still having issues with a memory leak within a program, contact the support for the software having the leak as they will be able to best assist you. For example, if System Analyzer reports outlook.exe has a memory leak, it would be best to contact Microsoft Support.

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