Install Webroot SecureAnywhere PC

This solution addresses installing Webroot SecureAnywhere to a Windows PC 

Follow the instructions below to install Webroot SecureAnywhere on a Windows PC. An Internet connection is required to install the software.
  1. Go to the SecureAnywhere installer.
  2. Click Download.

  3. Enter your keycode and click Agree and Install.

    To view the installation options, click Installation Options. Once the appropriate option is selected, click Agree and Install.
    • Create a shortcut to Webroot on the desktop: This option places a shortcut icon on your Windows Desktop for Webroot SecureAnywhere.
    • Randomize the installed filename to bypass certain infections: This option changes the Webroot installation filename to a random name (for example, “QrXC251G.exe”), which prevents malware from detecting and blocking Webroot’s installation file.
    • Protect the Webroot files, processes, and memory from modification: The option enables self-protection and the CAPTCHA prompts (CAPTCHA requires you to read distorted text on the screen and enter the text in a field before performing any critical actions). For more information, see Setting access control.
    • Change language: To change the language displayed in SecureAnywhere, click the Change Language button and select from the supported languages.  (You can only change the displayed language during installation, not after.) 
  4. Click Yes.

  5. Enter your email address and click Continue. SecureAnywhere begins scanning and configuring the application. When it completes, the main interface opens (see Using the SecureAnywhere interface).

    • If SecureAnywhere detects threats during the scan: it moves the items to quarantine where they are rendered inoperable and can no longer harm your system or steal data. For more information, see Running scans and Managing quarantined items.
    • If your system is clean: Proceed to step 6.
  6. Click Start using SecureAnywhere.

After the initial scan, SecureAnywhere automatically scans your computer daily and constantly monitors activity as you surf the Internet. You do not need to launch a scan yourself or schedule scans. SecureAnywhere does all the work for you in the background.

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