This solution addresses Webroot SecureAnywhere

The keycode is the license key you received when you purchased a product. You can view existing keycodes, and add new ones as you purchase new SecureAnywhere products (see Adding a license keycode).

SecureAnywhere generates a master account record for you and associates the keycode with that record. Each product has its own keycode, so if you purchased more than one product you’ll have more than one keycode associated with your master account record.

You can have more than one keycode for your account, depending on the number of products you have, but keycodes can be associated only with one account.

To view keycodes, you must have Admin permission.

To view keycodes:
  1. Open the SecureAnywhere website menu and click Keycodes.

  2. The SecureAnywhere website displays the attributes associated with each keycode:
    Keycode Attributes
    Keycode The license key received when you purchased a product. Using the keycode, you can manage all products from the SecureAnywhere website.
    • SecureAnywhere AntiVirus
    • SecureAnywhere AntiVirus for Gamers
    • SecureAnywhere Plus
    • SecureAnywhere Complete
    Devices Purchased The number of devices that can use this keycode.
    Storage Amount, in gigabytes, allowed for this keycode for the Backups product.

    If you assigned the Password or Backups service to a user, the number of assigned services also appears here, showing how many users can be assigned services for this keycode.

    For example, if you have assigned the Backup service to a 5-device keycode, the annotation (1 of 5 accounts used) appears in this column.
    Days Remaining The number of days remaining for this keycode to be active, and the expiration date.
    Upgrade/Renew Click to upgrade to another edition, or to renew your keycode.
Note: If your account has multiple consoles, you see only the keycodes that are associated with your current console.

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